Pagiiii………. apa kabar hari ini ????
Pagi yang indah bukan ????
Hmmm….setelah bbrp hari yang lalu bergulat dengan emosi dan termehek-mehek, hari ini saatnya menemukan kekuatan lagi . Dan yang jadi SE andalan, apalagi kalo bukan mbah gugel yang sakti mandraguna itu .
Nyari-nyari tips dan artikel dengan keyword ‘find your inner strength’ , akhirnya ketemulah yang satu ini ( tapi jangan kaget yaa )
Taraaaaa………. !!!!!! another quiz !!!! hihihi…..pasti ngira bakal nemuin tips2 maut ya ? *sok mind reading*
Nope !!! aku nggak akan ngasih tips2 maut, coz i’m sure everybody has his/her own way to stand up on his/her own feet . Yap !!! I believe so .
So, here’s the result :
Dare to dream, dare to fly, dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky
Creativity- Your inner power is Creativity! Any of The Arts-music, dance, pure art, drama, creative writing-are your passion. You love the way you can control what happens to you and your life while you participate in any of The Arts, and you can push your emotions aside when you do so. You at times can feel very depressed and alone, and yet it only further fuels your love for your art. Life to you can often seem bitter and cruel, a world of darkness with only a few tiny flares of light, stretched out far in between one another. In a way you’re confused with what you want in your life, and find it hard to trust people. Because of this, people of the outside world see you as cold and uncaring, yet those who befriend you, love you a lot, and know you are only very lonely and hurting. Boys are intrigued by your mysterious mask, and one day, one of them will reach passed your barriers and care for you the way you so desperately want to be cared for.
Dont let the popular people get you down; you are a wonderful person, and without the creativity you bring the world, it would be a very boring place. ,
Love yourself for who you are, for you are very special.
Boy/Girl who will sweep you off your feet: A sweet, sensitive man/woman. The guy/girl who understands your need for being alone sometimes. Yet also someone who would do anything to protect you for being hurt, even if it means giving up their life.
Your stone: Jade
Your power: Dreaming/Imagination
Your element: Dream
A quote that applies to you: Dare to dream, dare to fly, dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky.
Take this quiz!
Nah, sodara-sodara, demikianlah quiz pagi ini.
Sekarang saatnya menemukan inner power
**lirik2 sidebar **
dan semua cerita ini terinspirasi dr teman2 juga kok.
( Jadi inget postingan-nya Nai yang terasa cukup jadi motivator pagi ini , nice posting girl !! )
** lirik2 sidebar lagi buat nyari inspirasi**
So I guess now it’s time to travel to the neighbour’s home
**nyiapin ransel, penuhin bontotan, siapa tau nggak disuguhi**
tok-tok-tok….halllooo….tetanggaa….here I come !!!!!
**sok narsis, di-huuu-in rame2**